Saturday, May 25, 2013

Baby Johnson is a....

Little Rosie looking SOO cute!
Well this was a very exciting week in the Johnson house! Mike had competition and now he is competing in the semi on Tuesday and Wednesday he will be competing to see if he goes to the finals on Thursday/Friday!! He had a pretty good week as well as the office!!
There is also a couple in our office who got a cute Lab puppy, her name is Rosie! So of course everyone is so excited to play with her and watch her, she even has Mike saying he wants a puppy!! But don't worry he is also saying " 2 cats, a puppy AND a baby is WAY to much!!"

Little baby's foot! If you look
real close you can see the toes
(toward the left)
But speaking of baby...We had an ultrasound on Thursday (same doctor as before, but don't worry the second time around was MUCH better) and we got to have about 40 minutes with the ultrasound technician. Our little baby was moving around so much! Wiggling around this way and that way! I am surprised I couldn't feel it right then!

We got some very good pictures of the baby's foot and arms, but by the time the ultrasound tech was ready to look at the face and heart, the baby flipped over and was spine up so we couldn't see anything! The ultrasound tech got a 3D picture of the baby's back! We could see the ear and neck, part of the shoulder and everything, just like in real life, but a yellow picture! It was seriously the most amazing experience I think I have ever had to see and experience that!! But don't worry we get to go back in 2 weeks so we can get a good look at the heart and maybe even a 3D picture of the face!!!
Little baby's full arm and shoulder!
She was upside down so the arm is at her side!

My loot from shopping!!!

Ah but I haven't mentioned the best part we also got a to see our baby's little if the baby was sitting in a see through chair and we looked straight up...and needless to say our little baby Johnson is a GIRL!!! Yup that is right, after all my hoping and wanting I get to have my little sweet baby girl! I was so excited I went shopping for baby clothes that same day ( Thanks Jenna, Chelsea and Trista!!) I am so happy and Mike is happy to that he is going to have a little girl that he can be wrapped around her finger!

18 Weeks!!
 But other than that (which is A LOT) not to much is new, I hope all is well with everyone, and if anyone is feeling generous here is the link for our amazon baby registry:

We love you and as usual, thanks for all your love, support and prayer!


Lindy & Mike

Sunday, May 19, 2013

First Day In the Sun!

It is so weird in the life of summer sales. You work hard 6 days a week and the Sunday comes and you truly learn the meaning of the phrase "day of rest".  We got to go to a Ward BBQ and meet some new people and get to know the office a little better. Then we found a little Thai place near by and eat there for dinner, then went to a near by park played Frisbee and slack lined. We also found this AMAZING ice cream place called Scoops. Their single scoop is HUGE and to get it on a waffle cone is only $2.50 total! Today was pretty relaxed, we went to a park near by and played Volleyball in these very nice sand volleyball courts. I got a pretty good amount of sun (See Picture)! We love hanging out with people in the office especially outside!!

We also found this great little video rental store, called Family Video, and you can rent 2 DVD's (even Blue Ray) for $1 AND you get them for 5 days!!! They blow Red Box out of the water!!
But pregnancy has been pretty awesome this week! I think I felt the baby move, but it is so hard to tell if what I was feeling is that or not because I have never felt it before, so I don't know what it is suppose to feel like. But based on what people say I think I felt it. Its weird though because it feels like a swirly twirly feeling in your tummy! and also a poking feeling. I have an ultra sound on Friday so I think we will find out if the baby is a Boy or Girl. I am very excited, but I am trying not to get my hopes to high because of what happened at the last appointment!

Mike starts a competition this week, he will be teamed up with 2 other people and then go head to head with other teams of 3. The winners gets $750 EACH! 2nd place gets $250 each and 3rd gets $150. So root for Mike!!
But that is pretty much all that is new with us, we will keep you posted on the gender of little baby Johnson this coming Friday! We love you all and as always thanks for all your love and prayers!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!!

Well we had another week come and go and not much has happened. Mike did well in sales, we thought we were going to be finding out baby Johnson's gender but turns out the doctor we went to see wont even do an ultra sound in week 16. So we thought about going to a fetal photo place like in Utah but out here where new babies are not as popular something like that would cost $80, so we will just have to wait until my 18 week appt with a different doctor. The appt is scheduled of May 24th! But other than not doing an ultra sound, they made us wait in the lobby for 30 min and then once they called us back we sat in the exam room for 45 minutes. Then when the doctor got into the room she was kind of rude and she talked and Talked and TALKED! She made no apologies for our expectations of an gender reveal little alone an ultra sound, which when I made the appt I was very specific with the receptionist that is what I wanted and she said "NO PROBLEM!". But oh well.
We also went to the ward out here in Kokomo, everyone seems pretty friendly and it is really nice to be able to church with the other sales reps in the office and their wives. So even though we don't know anyone we still know someone! Today is Mother's Day and the Young Men handed out King Sized candy that was a nice treat. I also got to talk to my little brother Stefen on the phone, he is currently serving a mission in Africa, he is due to come in just 3 short months! I am so excited and I couldn't be more proud of him!
Well this week was fairly uneventful but we are still having fun out here anyway, well we will keep you all posted on news to come! Thank you all for your love, support and prayers!

<3 Lindy & Mike

Monday, May 6, 2013

First Week in Indiana

Well our first week in Indiana went pretty well I think! It has been a consistent 70 degrees or higher everyday, but usually with a light breeze. It most certainly looks like just about every "Mid-West" state that we have been to on our summer adventures, but I like it here. Our down stairs neighbors seem to like to sit out side on their porch most nights and drink and smoke and yell profanities at each other or people walking by. The man that lives there has told me AND Mike on separate occasions that his wife LOVES our car! Mike was even kind enough to show it to him, which honestly makes me think he wouldn't mind stealing it, but I am sure he means  no harm!
In the last week I have started to develop back pain, which stinks because it honestly can't get any better from this point on! But in better news, my nausea has almost completely gone away, even in the early morning when I wake up and have an empty stomach, which is great. I no longer have an aversion to raw meat, but the smell of our kitty litter box still does not agree with me, but really who does it?
Mike got 6 sales his first week, he of course wishes he did better, because he always thinks he can, but I am so proud of him! Everyone in the office is very nice and fun to be around so that makes hanging out with everyone really easy. We also have enough League of Legends players out here we can set up a 5 man team! Which I think were pretty good!
Tomorrow Mike and I have my 16 week ultra sound! Which for all of you who are familiar with pregnancy already knows what that means, but Mike and I will find out the gender of the baby!! We are so excited! I really would love to have a girl, but Mike THINKS it is a Boy. So we will see!
But other than that everything has been pretty mellow out here and I will keep you all posted on the Gender Reveal!! Thank you all for your love, prayer and support, especially while we are away from home!


Lindy & Mike